Vista Etichette

Selezione etichette

La vista etichette ti permette di selezionare le fotografie in base alle etichette Valutazione, Scelta ed etichette colorate assegnate all’immagine.
  • Le valutazioni sono rappresentate da stelle.

  • Le scelte sono rappresentate da bandierine.

  • I colori sono rappresentati da linee colorate sotto l’immagine.

La vista etichette della barra laterale sinistra di digiKam

To filter your collection based on a label, click on a label in the left sidebar. All images with a matching label will be displayed in the main view. To remove the filter, click on the label header of the label you want to remove, such as Rating, Pick, or Color.

You may select more than one label by Ctrl+left click. The selected labels within the same type are connected by boolean OR, e.g. selecting Three Stars and Four Stars will display all photographs that have either label assigned. Different types of labels are connected by boolean AND, e.g. selecting Four Stars and Yellow will display only photographs that have both labels assigned. You can perform even more sophisticated searches by using the Filters section of the Right Sidebar.

La barra laterale sinistra Etichette di digiKam

Using the image above as an example, digiKam will display all images Rated 3 OR 4 stars, AND with a Pick label of Pending OR Accepted. A color label was not selected, so all color labels are included in the search, including images with no color label assigned.


La Valutazione e le etichette colorate possono essere utilizzate per ordinare gli elementi dalla tua raccolta durante il tuo processo di gestione dei beni (digitali). Vedi questa sezione per i dettagli.

Assegnare etichette

Ci sono due modi per assegnare etichette alle tue fotografie:

  • Right-clicking on an image or a thumbnail displays the context menu of a thumbnail. From the context menu, you can assign a Rating, Pick, or Color label.

Il menu contestuale della vista a icone di digiKam e le opzioni delle etichette

  • La scheda Descrizione della sezione Didascalie della barra laterale destra.

Le opzioni delle etichette dalla scheda della barra laterale destra delle didascalie di digiKam

Assegnare automaticamente etichette di scelta

digiKam can automatically assign Pick Labels to your images using the Image Quality Scan tool in the Labels View. The Image Quality Scan tool assess images using either a deep-learning neural network, or by using basic aesthetic factors. After scanning an image, digiKam will assign a Pick Label based on the quality of the image and the options you have selected in the Settings tab.

  • Bandiera rossa per Rifiutata.

  • Bandiera gialla per In sospeso.

  • Bandiera verde per Accettata

To access the Image Quality Scan tool, click on Image Quality Scan at the bottom of the Labels View to expand the tool.

Scheda Ricerca in

La scheda Ricerca in ti permette di scegliere quali album e tag immagine includere in un’analisi.

The digiKam Image Quality Scan Search-in View

Scheda Impostazioni

The Settings tab lets you control how the Image Quality Scan tool sets the Pick label.

The digiKam Image Quality Scan Settings View

Modalità di analisi:

  • All: Scan all images in the selected albums and tags.

  • Non-Assigned Only: Scan only images that do not already have a Pick label in the selected albums and tags.

Assign labels:

  • Select which pick labels to assign to images. This is useful for letting digiKam automatically reject images that do not meet your quality standards, but still allow you to manually assign the other labels. Un-checking all three options renders the Image Quality Scanner functionally useless.

Motore della qualità:

  • Rileva contenuti estetici: usa la rete neurale di apprendimento profondo per valutare la qualità estetica delle immagini.

  • Detect by Basic Factors: Uses basic factors such as blur, noise, and exposure to assess image quality.

Rileva contenuti estetici usa un motore di intelligenza artificiale basato su questo modello per predire un punteggio estetico. Dato che l’apprendimento profondo è una soluzione a 360°, non richiede impostazioni di iperparametri, il che lo rende l’approccio più semplice da utilizzare.


The Detect Aesthetic Contents option needs to download the deep-learning model from the web. This file can either be downloaded when digiKam is first run (see the Quick Start section for details), or the file can be downloaded by clicking on the Download required binary data button on the Settings ‣ Miscellaneous ‣ System page.

Lavora con tutti i core del processore

The Image Quality Scan can be a time-consuming task depending on the size of your library and filtering selected in Search-in. It is recommended to use all processor cores. This will make the process run faster, but it can potentially make other processes run slower and make your computer feel unresponsive while images are being processed. You can uncheck Work on all processor cores if your machine is slow and you want to perform other tasks while the scan is running.


Because of technical limitations on Windows, multi-core support for MySQL/MariaDB databases does not perform well. For better performance, we recommend using a SQLite database instead.

Scheda Fattori di base

The Basic Factors tab lets you control how the selected qualities influence the rating the Pick label. The basic factors are only used when the Quality Engine is set to Detect by Basic Factors.

The digiKam Image Quality Scan Basic Factors View

The Basic Factors method uses four basic factors to rate each image: Blur, Noise, Exposure, and Compression. Using basic factors, however, requires fine-tuning by the user and it does not include any assessment of the aesthetic value of the image. Un-checking all four options in Basic Factors mode renders the Image Quality Scanner functionally useless.