Labels View

The digiKam Labels View from Left Sidebar

The Labels View allows you to select photographs by the Rating, Pick and Color Labels you assigned to them previously either by using:

  • The context menu of a thumbnail.

The digiKam Icon-View Context Menu and Labels Options

  • The Description tab of the Captions section on the Right Sidebar.

The digiKam Labels Options from Captions Right Sidebar Tab

You may select more than one label by Ctrl+left click. The selected labels are connected by boolean AND, e.g. selecting Four Star and Yellow will display only photographs that have both labels assigned. You can perform even more sophisticated searches by using the Filters section of the Right Sidebar.

The digiKam Labels Filter from Right Sidebar


The Pick Labels properties can be assigned automatically using the deep-learning tool Image Quality Sorter by analysis the aesthetic score of items. See this Maintenance Tool section for details.

The Rating and Color Labels can be used to sort items from your collection during your asset management workflow. See this section for details.