Effects Tools

Blur Effects

The digiKam Blur Effects tool can apply a series of blurring effects for digital still images.

With this filter set, you can transform an ordinary photograph into a work of art suitable for framing.

Lo strumento Sfocatura FX dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

The available blurring effects include:

  • Zoom Blur: blurs the image along radial lines starting from a specified center point. This simulates the blur of a zooming camera, thereby giving the photograph a dynamic expression as often seen in sports photography.

  • Sfocatura radiale: sfoca l’immagine ruotando i pixel attorno a un punto specificato. Simula la sfocatura di una macchina fotografica in rotazione.

  • Sfocatura lontana: sfoca l’immagine per simulare l’effetto dell’obiettivo di una fotocamera non a fuoco. Il soggetto sembra arretrare nello sfondo.

  • Motion Blur: blurs the image horizontally, simulating the blur of a linearly moving camera, i.e. like a shot taken from a car or train.

  • Sfocatura del fuoco: sfoca gli angoli dell’immagine per riprodurre la distorsione astigmatica di un obiettivo.

  • Sfocatura morbida: sfoca l’immagine leggermente nei toni scuri e più fortemente in quelli chiari. Ciò conferisce all’immagine un effetto di messa a fuoco suggestivo e lucido (effetto Hamilton). È ideale per creare ritratti romantici e fotografie patinate, o per dare alle immagini una luce calda e soffusa.

  • Sfocatura scossa: sfoca l’immagine spostando i pixel a caso. Simula la sfocatura di una fotocamera che si muove a caso.

  • Sfocatura intelligente: trova i bordi del colore nell’immagine e li sfoca senza interferire col resto dell’immagine.

  • Frost Glass: blurs the image by simulating randomly dispersed light filtering through coarse frosted glass.

  • Mosaic: blurs the image by dividing the photograph into rectangular cells and then fills those cells with the average pixel value from the cell.


Alcuni effetti possono richiedere molto tempo per la loro esecuzione e possono anche causare un alto consumo delle risorse del processore. Puoi sempre interrompere un effetto premendo il pulsante Interrompi durante la resa dell’anteprima.

Disegno a carboncino

The digiKam Charcoal Drawing tool is an effect filter that creates a charcoal sketch-like result.

The digiKam Charcoal Drawing filter uses the gradients of color and luminosity to produce a grey-scale charcoal sketch. The lines defining the outline of the image are pronounced. Images with slowly changing gradients are not ideal for this effect. When selecting an image to use with this filter, it might be helpful to imagine what scene you would pick to do as a hand sketch yourself.

Lo strumento Carboncino dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

Ci sono due cursori per controllare l’effetto su una scala da 1 a 100. Il cursore superiore seleziona la dimensione della matita, mentre il secondo cursore ti permette di regolare il contrasto (smussatura).


The result can often be improved by adjusting the luminosity levels.

Filtro Effetti dei colori

The digiKam Color Effects tool provides five color effects: a Solarization effect, a Vivid filter, a Neon effect, an Edge filter, and a Lut3D filter.

L’effetto Solarizzazione

In the age of chemical image processing, solarizing (also known as Sabatier) was an effect created by exposing a partially developed print to a brief flash of light, then completing the development. The colored, darker areas shield the additional light from the sensitive photo layers, which has the net effect of making the lighter areas darker and inverting the colors. The result resembles a partially negative image.

Il controllo Livello ti aiuta ad avere un’anteprima della solarizzazione semplicemente incrementandolo. A circa il 50% dell’intensità l’immagine ti mostra quello che una volta era possibile fare chimicamente; se lo incrementi ulteriormente otterrai alla fine un’immagine negativa, uno stadio di inversione non ottenibile su carta fotografica.

Lo strumento Solarizza dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

The Vivid Filter

The vivid filter simulates what is known as Velvia effect. It is different from saturation in that it has a more pronounced contrast effect that bring colors brilliantly alive and glowing. Try it, it can a beautiful effect for many subjects.

Velvia is a brand of daylight-balanced color reversal film produced by the Japanese company Fujifilm. The name is a contraction of Velvet Media, a reference to its smooth image structure. Velvia has very saturated colors under daylight, high contrast. These characteristics make it the slide film of choice for most nature photographers. Velvia’s highly saturated colors are, however, considered overdone by some photographers, especially those who don’t primarily shoot landscapes. You can control the Velvia intensity with the Level setting.

Lo strumento Vivido dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

The Neon Filter

The neon filter simulates neon light along the contrast edges. The Level parameter controls the lightness of the result, whereas the Iteration slider determines the thickness of the neon light. With big images, the filter might keep your CPU busy for a moment or two.

Lo strumento Neon dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

The Find Edges Filter

The find edges filter detects the location and gradients of edges in a photograph. A low value for the Level parameter results in a light, low-contrast image with thin edges. A high value results in thick edges with high contrast and more colors in dark areas. Iteration allows you to increase or decrease the density of edges in the image.

Lo strumento Trova i bordi dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

L’effetto Lut3D

The Lut3D filter colors images by applying a transformation based on a 3D lookup table.

In the film industry, 3D lookup tables are used to map one color space to another. They are commonly used to calculate preview colors for a monitor or digital projector to show how an image will be reproduced on another display device, typically the final digitally projected image or release print of a movie. A 3D LUT is a 3D lattice of output RGB color values that can be indexed by sets of input RGB color values. Each axis of the lattice represents one of the three input color components, so the input color defines a point inside the lattice. Since the point may not be on a lattice point, the lattice values must be interpolated; most products use trilinear interpolation.

The tool provides a list of 3D lookup tables to apply to the image. The Intensity setting is used to adjust the percentage of the effect that is applied to the image.

Lo strumento Lut3D dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

Distortion Effects

The digiKam Distortion Effects tool provides a series of geometric distorting effects for digital still images. This would be a very bad tool to use for correct lens distortions.

With this filter set, you can transform an ordinary photograph into a work of art suitable for framing.

Lo strumento Effetti di distorsione dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

The distorting effects provided by this tool include:

  • Fisheye: deforma la fotografia attorno ad una sfera tridimensionale per riprodurre il comune effetto fotografico «fisheye».

  • Spirale: ruota la fotografia per produrre un motivo a spirale.

  • Cilindrica orizzontale: stira la fotografia attorno a cilindro orizzontale.

  • Cilindrica verticale: stira la fotografia attorno a cilindro verticale.

  • Cylinder H/V: warps the photograph around 2 cylinders, one vertical and one horizontal.

  • Caricature: distorts photograph with an inverted “Fish Eyes” effect.

  • Angoli multipli: divide la fotografia con un motivo ad angoli multipli.

  • Onde orizzontali: distorce la fotografia con onde orizzontali.

  • Onde verticali: distorce la fotografia con onde verticali.

  • Onde a blocchi 1: divide l’immagine in celle e la fa sembrare come se fosse vista attraverso blocchi di vetro.

  • Onde a blocchi 2: come Onde a blocchi 1, ma con un’altra versione di distorsione attraverso i blocchi di vetro.

  • Onde circolari 1: distorce la fotografia con onde circolari.

  • Circular Waves 2: other variation of the Circular Waves effect.

  • Coordinate polari: converte la fotografia da coordinate rettangolari a polari.

  • Coordinate polari inverse: effetto delle coordinate polari invertito.

  • Tiles: splits the photograph into square blocks and moves them randomly inside the image.


Some effects can take a long time to run and cause high CPU loading. You can always abort an effect by pressing Abort button during preview rendering.


The digiKam Emboss filter sculptures your image into 3-D as if it was stamped into wax.

The digiKam Emboss filter is a quick tool to render your images in a 3-D effect. It works particularly well on images with simple structure where color is not the most important content. The filter uses the difference between colors and luminosity to convert it into a grey, moon-like landscape lit from the 10 o’clock position.

The Depth control allows you to define the contrast of the filtering. A value of 30 (10%) is standard.

Lo strumento Goffratura dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

Add Film Grain

The digiKam Add Film Grain filter reproduces the traditional film grain associated with high speed films.

This filter adds film grain to your images as if they were taken with classical high speed film material such as the famous B/W KodaK Tri-X. In order to increase film sensitivity, manufacturers employed larger silver grains in the photo emulsion.

The film grain effect can give your shot a particular mood, transporting it backwards in time. The treated image acquires a timeless atmosphere, detached from every day life. If you want that gritty, art-house, street-photography grainy film look, especially in monochromatic photos, use this filter.

Lo strumento Grana della pellicola dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

A common slider controls the Grain size, and you can turn on the granularity simulating a photographic distribution. Separate Luminance, Chrominance Blue, and Chrominance Red channels allow you to adjust the grain Intensity with differing effects on Shadows, Middletones, and Highlight.


If you process a black and white image, the grain needs to be applied only on the Luminance channel.

Pittura a olio

The digiKam Oil Paint filter gives your image the look of an oil painting.

This filter gives your digital images a nice oil painting-like look. Images of nature and still lives are well suited for this effect.

Lo strumento Pittura a olio dell’editor delle immagini di digiKam

There are two sliders to control the effect. The upper slider selects the Brush Size between 1 and 5. Bigger brushes are better suited for large images. Smooth controls the smoothness or jaggedness of the effect.


The digiKam Raindrops filter puts beautiful raindrops on your image. Naturally, it gives your image a kind of wet look. It can also be used in combination with the Oil Paint tool to make your photos look like a Donald Roller Wilson painting.

Three sliders give you control over the effect filter: Drop size obviously allows you to change the size of the drops. The drop size doesn’t automatically scale with the image size, so it is often necessary to reduce the size for small images. Number changes the number and density of drops. and Fish eye changes the optical effect of the drops across the image.


Puoi mantenere una zona priva di gocce di pioggia con lo strumento Seleziona dell’Editor di immagini. Selezionando l’area da evitare (per esempio un volto) prima di avviare il filtro Gocce di pioggia, la manterrai al riparo dalle gocce di pioggia.

Rain Drops Tool Applying Effect to Whole Image Excepted on Dog’s Face