Decorate Tools¶
Applica trama¶
The digiKam Apply Texture tool applies decorative textures to an image.
By adding texture to your image, whether color or black and white, you can make it look like an oil painting on canvas, an Old Masters etching, a Pop Art portrait composed of enlarged half-tone dots, or even a mural on a brick wall. The tool can be run from the Image Editor menu item:
.Two options give you control over the texture applied to the image:
Type: this option specifies the decorative texture style to apply to the image.
Relief: dragging this option to the right increases the appearance of depth or three-dimensionality of the applied texture.
Click on the OK button to apply the texture to the current image.
Aggiungi bordo¶
The digiKam Add Border tool frames an image with decorative borders.
Keeping the viewer’s interest within the confines of the edges of a photograph is not a simple task. One of the simplest ways to hold the viewer’s attention is to incorporate a decorative frame around an image. It acts as a kind of psychological barrier to the straying eye. The tool is run by selecting the Image Editor menu item
.Four options give you control over the rendering of the decorative frame:
Tipo: questa opzione specifica lo stile della cornice decorativa da applicare attorno all’immagine. Lo stile Solido circonda l’immagine con una semplice linea colorata, lo stile Niépce circonda l’immagine con una linea fine e un ampio bordo (ideale per le immagini in bianco e nero), lo stile Rilievo aggiunge una dimensione interessante alla tua immagine (ideale per creare un effetto a pulsante), e lo stile Decorativo aggiunge un bordo ornamentale usando dei motivi.
Width: this option specifies the border width as a percentage of image size. The border is added around the image. The width range is limited between 1% and 50%.
Primo: questa opzione specifica il primo colore da usare con il tipo di bordo attivo.
Secondo: questa opzione specifica il primo colore da usare con il tipo di bordo attivo.
Fai clic sul pulsante OK per applicare il bordo attorno all’immagine attiva.
L’immagine risultante decorata con il bordo sarà più grande dell’originale, ma manterrà le stesse proporzioni. Ciò è importante per la stampa delle immagini, specialmente se hai prima usato lo strumento Ritaglia secondo le proporzioni.
Inserisci testo¶
The digiKam Insert Text tool adds text to an image.
This is a handy tool as it lets you add formatted text easily to an image wherever you want, even at several places if needed.
This tool should be intuitive to use. Type in your text and place it with the mouse. Use the block settings as you please. Choose the orientation with the Rotation setting, Color from a color space, and Font with all their properties. You will have to scale the font size to the image size, the larger the image, the larger the font has to be. Finally choose to add a Border around the text and/or a Semi-transparent background. Done, it’s finished.
Any text setting you have chosen can always be changed up to the point you click the OK button. Once saved, the text becomes part of the image, and cannot be further edited.