
We hadden het over een variatie van weergaven met gespecialiseerde zoekmogelijkheden. De Zoekweergave biedt een meer veelzijdige en algemene manier van zoeken. Er zijn twee verschillende benaderingen: Snel zoeken en Geavanceerd zoeken.

De geavanceerde zoekhulp

Het hulpmiddel Geavanceerd zoeken levert een uitgebreid zoekformulier dat gebruikt kan worden om in specifieke velden van de database van digiKam te zoeken op een meer verfijnde manier. Klik op de knop Nieuwe geavanceerd zoeken… om het hulpmiddel Geavanceerd zoeken te tonen:

De geavanceerde zoekhulp van digiKam

Het veld gelabeld met Zoek items die geassocieerd zijn met al deze woorden: is gewoon een duplicaat van het veld Snel zoeken.

Click on one of the blue categories and an area will fold out with all the fields you can search for in the selected category. Different input fields are displayed for your search, depending on the kind of data each field contains. Sometimes more than one type of input are available for the same field. Selection buttons are used for simple fields, e.g. for colors. Others inputs use plain text fields, drop down lists and checkboxes. Many fields have two input fields allowing you to define a range, e.g. Find items with a width between. And often you find the word “Any” which looks like a link but opens a drop down field with checkboxes for the possible contents of that field.

De geavanceerde zoekcriteria van digiKam

The labeling of the search fields should make them pretty much self explanatory. But we need to explain how they work together if you fill in or select more than one. On the right side of the blue header at the top you’ll find a little link Options. If you click on that link the header will change to display four options.

  • Meet All of the following conditions means that your different search parameters will be connected by boolean AND for the search. Example: if you selected Album name “Holidays” and color “red” the search will find all pictures labeled with “red” that reside in the Album “Holidays”.

  • Meet Any of the following conditions means that your different search parameters will be connected by boolean OR for the search. Example: if you selected Album name “Holidays” and color “red” the search will find the content of the Album “Holidays” and all pictures labeled with “red” that located anywhere in the database.

  • None of these conditions are met means that your different search parameters will be connected by boolean NAND for the search. Again our example: if you selected Album name “Holidays” and color “red” the search will find all pictures in the database except those labeled with “red” and except those that are in the Album “Holidays”.

  • At least one of these conditions is not met means that your different search parameters will be connected by boolean NOR for the search. One more example: if you selected Album name “Holidays” and color “red” the search will find all pictures in the database except those labeled with “red” and that are in the Album “Holidays”.

Complicated? No, good! Because the real stuff is yet to come. Have a look at the footer of the Advanced Search Tool. Here you’ll find + Add Search Group. If you click on this button, another list with the same categories of search fields will open below the first one separated by a blue divider (scroll down in case you don’t see it right away). The blue divider offers the same Boolean options we were just talking about. On top of them you see an underlined OR meaning that this list is connected to the first one by boolean OR. You can change that to AND by clicking on it.

We’ll use another example to illustrate how this works. Assume that in the options for the first group you checked Meet Any of the following conditions and you selected Album name “Holidays” and color “red”. As we said before, this will produce all pictures labeled with “red” from your whole collection plus the content of the Album “Holidays”. Now let’s assume for some reason you want to exclude all rejected files and all files with a rating lower than three stars.

So you open the second group, then click on the underlined OR in the header in order to change it to AND. Then select None of these conditions are met, expand the Picture Properties section, check the red flag (rejected) under Labels and select under Rating no star (five white stars) in the first field and two stars in the second field. Note that there is a difference between No star and No Rating assigned! If you want to exclude the pictures without any rating as well you will have to open another Search Group, click on the underlined OR in the header in order to change it to AND, select None of these conditions are met and select No Rating assigned in the Picture Properties category.

U kunt net zoveel extra Zoekgroepen openen als u nodig hebt om uw zoekvraag te formuleren.

The Reset button (next to the + Add Search Group button) removes all additional Search Groups and clears all the fields in the remaining Search Group. It’s a good policy to use this button before starting to create a new search, in particular when you leave the Advanced Search Tool with the intention to use the Quick Search for your next query. Otherwise, the search criteria remain active even if you don’t see them, which is likely screw up your new search.

The Try button carries out the search but leaves the Advanced Search Tool window open. The OK button does the same but closes the window. Remove Group in the header of the additional Search Groups doesn’t need an explanation.