Rebuild Fingerprints

Le opzioni di manutenzione di digiKam per la ricostruzione dei codici di controllo

Fingerprints are necessary for finding duplicates and similar items and for finding images by sketches. For a detailed description see the Similarity View section of this manual.

The Rebuild Fingerprints tool provides only one option to rebuild the contents in the database: Scan for Changed or Non-Cataloged Items. This option speeds the rebuild process by ignoring unchanged items that are already in the database.


This process can also be called from the Similarity View in the left sidebar by clicking the Update Fingerprints button.

Il pulsante di aggiornamento delle somiglianze di digiKam nella barra laterale sinistra

While the rebuild fingerprints process is underway, a progress indicator is displayed in the bottom right corner of the main window.

Il processo di ricostruzione dei codici di controllo di digiKam in esecuzione in background