Showfoto Menu

The Showfoto Editor Menu

Showfoto menu is mostly the same than digiKam Image Editor. Only few differences are presents in File and Settings, and Help entries due to the lack of database support.


When switching in Full-Screen Mode Ctrl+Shift+F, or when you Hide Menubar Ctrl+M, the main menu will be available on the right side of tool-bar with the Hamburger Button icon_hamburger.

The File Menu

File ‣ Open Ctrl+O

Open files from your local storage.

File ‣ Open folder Ctrl+Shift+O

Open all files from a directory located on your local storage.

File ‣ Delete File Del

Delete permanently current file loaded in the canvas.

For the rest of menu entries, see description from Image Editor section. Versioning options do not exit here.

The Edit Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The Color Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The Enhance Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The Transform Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The Decorate Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The Effects Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The View Menu

See description from Image Editor section.

The Tools Menu

Tools ‣ DNG Convert

For the rest of menu entries, see description from Main Window section about Generic plugins. Database options do not exist here.

The Import Menu

See description from Main Window section about Import plugins.

The Export Menu

See description from Main Window section about Export plugins.

The Settings Menu

See description from Main Window section.

The Help Menu

See description from Main Window section. Database options do not exist here.