
Pflege dieses Handbuchs

digiKam ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug mit vielen Funktionen, aber alle die verschiedenen Menüeinträge, Knöpfe und Tastaturkürzel können teilweise verwirrend sein. Das Benutzerhandbuch ist wichtig sowohl für Einsteiger, als auch für fortgeschrittene Nutzer, die eine bestimmte Funktion suchen. Allerdings ist die Pflege des Handbuchs eine große Aufgabe, die das digiKam-Kernteam nicht alleine bewältigen kann …

And that’s where you come in. If you are an advanced user then we need you to update old sections or write explanations of new features. But even if you have the feeling you are not experienced enough to write something, you can still update screenshots or translate in different languages. If you benefit from the work others did on digiKam it is a great (and easy) opportunity to give something back to the project and the community.

The README file from the documentation repository lists all details to help with this manual.

Reporting Bug

digiKam is an Open Source project. This means that it relies on its users to play their part by, at least, reporting problems and suggesting possible improvements.

digiKam makes it as easy as possible for you to report bugs or suggest improvements. Wherever you are in the application the main menu will include the Help ‣ Report Bug option. This will display a message box with a highlighted link. Click on the link and your web browser will open the page for the reporting system. All the information required will already be filled in, just follow the instructions for completing your report.

The digiKam Reporting Bug Dialog


There are many ways that you can get involved with the continued development of digiKam. You do not need to be a software developer. You can help with documentation, translation and user interface design, or just contribute really good ideas to the wish-list. You can also get involved by testing early development code as it is being developed and providing feedback to the developers. Of course, if you are a software developer then you can help to make digiKam the best digital photograph application there is.

The Contribute page from project web-site group all necessary information to be involved on the project.