Light Table Menu

The digiKam Light Table Menu


When switching in Full-Screen Mode Ctrl+Shift+F, or when you Hide Menubar Ctrl+M, the main menu will be available on the right side of tool-bar with the Hamburger Button icon_hamburger.

The File Menu

File ‣ First Ctrl+Home

Select first item from thumb-bar.

File ‣ Back PgUp

Select thumb-bar item on the left of current one.

File ‣ Forward PgDown

Select thumb-bar item on the right of current one.

File ‣ Last Ctrl+End

Select last item from thumb-bar.

File ‣ On Left Ctrl+L

Load current selected item from thumb-bar to the left preview pane.

File ‣ On Right Ctrl+R

Load current selected item from thumb-bar to the right preview pane.

File ‣ Edit F4

Opens the selected image in the digiKam Image Editor.

File ‣ Open With Default Application Meta-F4

Opens the selected item in the default application according to the mime-type set in your desktop.

File ‣ Remove item from Light Table Ctrl+K

Remove the current selected item in Thumb-bar from the Light Table.

File ‣ Remove all items from Light Table Ctrl+Shift+K

Remove all thumb-bar items from the Light Table.

File ‣ Move to trash Del

Move to trash the current image from the current Album.


To Delete permanently a file, use Shift+Del

File ‣ Close Ctrl+W

Close digiKam Light Table.

The View Menu

Full Screen Mode option is the same entry available in Main Window.

Slideshow option is the same entry available in Main Window.

Presentation option is the same entry available in Main Window.

OpenGL Image Viewer option is the same entry available in Main Window.

View ‣ Synchronize Ctrl+Shift+Y

Synchronize the Left and Right Preview panels while review image contents (Pan and Zoom).

View ‣ By Pair Ctrl+Shift+P

Open selected item from Thumbbar in the Left Preview panel, and the next item from the Thumbbar in Right Preview panel.

View ‣ Left Panel

This menu entry host all options to change Zoom level on Left Preview panel. Possible choices are:

  • Zoom In Ctrl++.

  • Zoom Out Ctrl+-.

  • Zoom to 100% Ctrl+..

  • Fit to Window Ctrl+ALt+E.

View ‣ Right Panel

This menu entry host all options to change Zoom level on Right Preview panel. Possible choices are:

  • Zoom In Ctrl+Shift++.

  • Zoom Out Ctrl+Shift+-.

  • Zoom to 100% Ctrl+Shift+..

  • Fit to Window Ctrl+Shift+E.

Color Managed View option is the same entry available in Main Window.

The Tools Menu

See description from Main Window section about Import plugins.

The Import Menu

See description from Main Window section about Import plugins.

The Export Menu

See description from Main Window section about Export plugins.

The Settings Menu

See description from Main Window section.

The Help Menu

See description from Main Window section.