Basic Operations

Revert to Original Photograph

The editing functions of the Image Editor will make changes to your photograph. None of the editing functions will change the original photograph unless you selecting File ‣ Save or clicking the Save button in the tool bar. Note that once you have saved the changed version you will not be able to recover the original photograph.

You might prefer to take a copy of your photograph before you make any changes. You can use File ‣ Save As... to save a working copy.

At any time before you save your photograph you can restore the view to the original image by selecting File ‣ Revert or clicking the Revert button on the tool bar. You will lose any changes that you have made to the photograph since it was last saved.

Undoing and Redoing Actions

Almost anything you do to an image in Image Editor can be undone and redone. You can undo the most recent action by choosing Edit ‣ Undo, and redo by Edit ‣ Redo.

If these are done frequently, you really should memorize the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+Z to undo an action, and Ctrl+Shift+Z to redo an action.

You have to press the left mouse button over the undo or redo icon in the tool bar and hold it down for a moment to produce a context menu. If you choose one of the menu items, all undo or redo actions until the chosen ones are undone or redone.

Moving Between Photographs

Once you have started the Image Editor you can move between photographs in the same view you started from by using the navigator buttons on the toolbar, PgUp, PgDn or the entries in the File menu. If you have made any changes to the current photograph you will be asked if you want to save them.

Changing the View

You can zoom in and out of a photograph using the Ctrl-scroll wheel, the toolbar icons or the entries in the View menu.

To make a photograph fit the window use the Zoom Autofit button from the tool bar.

View ‣ Full Screen Mode will display the photograph using the full screen mode. You can move back to the normal view by pressing the Esc key. By default the toolbar is still displayed even in Full Screen Mode. If you would prefer that the toolbar is not displayed you can turn it off in the Configure digiKam dialog accessed from the main digiKam window, see the Setup Image Editor Window section.

Printing Images

When you want to print the current image from the Image Editor, select File ‣ Print image... Ctrl+P and you get the standard Print dialog, where you can adjust the settings before printing your photograph.

Standard Print Dialog from image Editor


Under Windows, at least one printer module must be installed on your system to support this function.

From the main window view you can print single images or whole sets of them. Entire thumbnail pages can be printed with your selection. All you need to do is selecting images the standard way and call Item ‣ Print Creator.... Then follow the instructions and choices to make as explained in the section from the manual.