
To use digiKam to download images directly from your digital camera, connect the camera to your computer, switch the camera to the image display mode and turn it on. To download images from your phone’s camera, it may be necessary to give your computer the rights to access the phone’s contents. See your camera’s user manual for more information.

The Import Interface helps you to get photographs into a digiKam Album, whether it is directly from your camera or scanner, from a USB mass storage device, via a card reader, or from a local or remote folder. You can access the Import Interface from the one of the menu items under Import on the Main Menu:

Importar ‣ Cámaras

Seleccione una de las cámaras del submenú o escoja Añadir cámara manualmente.

The latter will open the dialog described in the Camera Settings section of this manual. If you want to have more information about how digiKam supports digital cameras, please a take a look at this section.

Importar ‣ Dispositivos de almacenamiento USB

Seleccione uno de los dispositivos USB del submenú.

Importar ‣ Lectores de tarjetas

Seleccione una de los lectores de tarjetas del submenú.

Importar ‣ Añadir imágenes… Ctrl+Alt+I

Seleccione una carpeta de origen en el diálogo que se muestra.

Importar ‣ Importar del escáner

Tool to communicate with a digital scanner to import images.