Herramienta de exportación en KML

KML for Keyhole Markup Language is an XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization within two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers. KML was developed for use with Google Earth but Open Source Applications can also use this kind of container. KML is an open standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium.

The digiKam Geolocation Editor Exporting GPS Info Into A KML Container

From the right sidebar tab KML Export several settings are available to process the list of items loaded in Geolocation Editor, in goal to generate a target as KML container.

  • Target Type: two kind of container can be generated, one for a local application as Google Earth running on your computer, or another one for a Web Application as Google Maps.

  • Picture Altitude: configure how the altitude of items to process must be interpreted, as Clamp To The Ground, Relative To Ground, or in Absolute.

  • Destination Directory: configure the folder from your computer where you want to store the KML container.

  • Destination Path: configure the url where you want to store the KML container. This option is enabled only if the Target Type is a Web Application.

  • Filename: the name used to record the KML container.

  • Icon Size: The icon dimensions registered in KML container and used by KML viewer application to thumbnails on the map.

  • Image Size: The image dimensions registered in KML container and used by KML viewer application to render contents on the map.

  • Draw GPX Track: enable this option to include information from a GPX trace in your KML container.

  • GPX File: the path from your computer to the GPX trace.

  • Time Zone: the world time zone used to record the GPX trace.

  • Track Width: the number of items to handle from the GPX trace.

  • Track Color: the color to use over the map to render the GPX trace.

  • Opacity: the transparency in percents to render the GPX trace over the map.

  • Track Altitude: configure how the altitude of GPX trace items must be interpreted, as Clamp To The Ground, Relative To Ground, or in Absolute.

Press Generate KML File button to render the container. If errors occurs, a resume dialog must appear with the list of problems. Finally, the exported KML container can be open in a Viewer as in the screenshot below.

The Open Source Marble Application Importing A KML Container Generated From digiKam