Import from Google


This tool allows the user to upload photos to the Google Photo web services.

Google Photos is a photo sharing which automatically analyzes photos, identifying various visual features and subjects. Users can search for anything in photos including faces and group similar ones together.

The tool can be used to download files from the remote Google Photo server to the image collections on your computer using the Internet. Use the Import ‣ Import from Google Photo Alt+Shift+P menu entry to access to this tool, or use the icon from the Tools tab in the Right Sidebar.

Login to your Account

When accessing the tool for the first time you are taken through the process of obtaining a token which is used for authentication purposes. The following dialog will popup and a browser window will be launched to help you loggging in to Google:

The Google Dialog to Select Account

After successful signup digiKam will be allowed to send photos to the Google website. You will be presented with the following page on successful signup:

The Google Dialog to Authorize Application

Then, simply authorize application and close the web browser. Return to the host application dialog, you will see the interface used to upload photos to Google.


When the tool is invoked for second time, it will remember the previous account automatically.

Download from your Account

The download dialog for Google Photo web-service is presented below:

The Google Photo Import Dialog

With the Album options, you can select the online folder to get files to download. You can Reload the list on the combo-box if online contents have been changed in Google web interface.

Below, the main dialog propose the hierarchy of physical Albums from your collection. Selected one target entry to import files, or if you want a new one, just press New Album button to create a nested entry in the tree-view.

Press Start Download button to transfer items. You can click on the Close button to abort the uploading of photos.