
Visit the download page of the digiKam Web site for up to date information on installing stable digiKam.

You’ll find all previous digiKam versions in the attic.


Bundles using the -debug in file-name includes debug symbols to catch debugger traces when application stop to work. Files are more heavy but this will help developers to found the origin of dysfunctions. See the Get Involved section for details.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10 or newer, Apple macOS 64-bit based on Intel or M1 architecture, 64-bit Linux. Details see below.

  • CPU: x86 Intel or AMD; at least one 2 GHz core for standard photo processing, 4 cores for large photo or panorama processing, 8 cores for deep-learning uses as with face detection and image quality sorting. Details see below.

  • GPU: OpenGL 2.0 that works correctly and is compatible. On Windows, you can also use a card with good, compatible DirectX 9 or 11 drivers.

  • RAM: At least 4 GB for standard photo processing, 8 GB for large photo or panorama processing, 16 GB for deep-learning uses as with face detection and image quality sorting. Details see below.


If your computer is at the lower end of CPU and RAM requirements, you should use both Small Thumbnails Resolution and Loading Embedded Preview features to help reduce preview lag.

  • Monitors: If the application can be used without problem on a single screen, using multi-screens will improve the experience especially with the workflow to review items.

A Double-Screens Linux Station with Main Window on the Left and Light Table on the Right


If your screen provides HDPI support, check options Use high DPI scaling from the screen factor and Application font.

  • Storage: SSDs will be the best choice for robustness and speed to host database and collection.

digiKam on Linux

digiKam can be installed on non-KDE Desktops without any issues.

AppImage: Minimum Ubuntu 18.04 has no such minimal requirements.

AppImage is a bundle hosting all the necessary dependencies to run digiKam. Nothing is installed on your system. Turn on executable property of AppImage file and run it. That all...

Screencast of AppImage Startup


The AppImage bundle includes also the Showfoto stand Alone Image Editor. To run it instead digiKam, just add showfoto as argument to the AppImage command line, like this:

./digiKam-X.Y.Z-x86-64.appimage showfoto


The AppImage provides more options to start which can be listed with help argument from command line.

digiKam on Windows

Using on Standard Desktop

digiKam runs only on 64bit version of Windows 10 and newer. We cannot guarantee that digiKam runs on server or embedded Windows version.

digiKam is available as an non-signed installable (Setup Program) and as a standalone (Archive) version.

  • Installable version: Needs administrator rights and gets installed on your local machine. It's also listed as a program.

    • It's available for all users on your computer.

    • The digiKam files are always located in the same folder.

    When the file is downloaded, to start the installer, a security warning will appears, because it does not come from the Windows Store.

    The Windows Warning When you Try to Run digiKam Installer after Downloading

    You needs to give the rights to run from the Windows Config Panel/Applications and Features to setup applications source outside the store.

    The Windows Applications and Features Panel to Authorize digiKam Installation

    When you start a second time the installer, an information dialog will appears, because the it's not signed for the Microsoft Windows Defender.

    The Windows Information When you Run digiKam Installer

    When installer is running, follow instructions from the assistant to install application on your computer.


    If a previous digiKam version is present on your system, the Windows installer will warns you to uninstall it before to process to the new installation.

    The Windows Warning When you Try to Install digiKam When a Previous Version is Present

    The Windows Dialog to Uninstall Previous Version of digiKam

    The Windows Dialog to Install Newer Version of digiKam

  • Standalone version: Doesn't need administrator rights and isn't installed. It's not listed as a program. Is only accessible for the user who has downloaded the file.

    • If you work with a normal user on your computer, you can use digiKam.

    • You can copy the digiKam folder on any external drive and run it on a different computer without installing it. However, your personal settings and downloads within digiKam are related to the computer you work on.

Using in a Windows Domain

If you want to use digiKam with domain users with using Windows Active Directory and/or Group Policies (GPOs) make sure all users have read/write rights to the following folders:






Similar requirements is also necessary for the Showfoto stand Alone Image Editor:






Do also make sure no GPO is blocking the access to these folders.

digiKam on macOS

The non Signed Package

digiKam runs with Intel based Mac's on macOS 64-bit. For M1 based Mac's, you needs to use Apple Rosetta 2 instructions translator. Minimum system requirement depends of the digiKam version to install:

digiKam version

Supported macOS Release

>= 7.10.0

macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or newer

>= 7.0.0

macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or newer

>= 6.4.0

macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or newer

>= 6.1.0

macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or newer

>= 6.0.0

macOS 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or newer


Due to use Macports environment to build digiKam PKG, and the rolling release Macports policy applied on time, it's difficult to provide a binary compatibility with older versions of macOS. Also Macports packages are frequently updated for security reasons, and this can require more recent macOS SDK.

When the PKG file is downloaded, to start the installer, a security warning will appears, because the package is not signed for the Apple Gatekeeper.

The macOS Warning When you Try to Run digiKam PKG after Downloading

You needs to give the rights to run from the macOS Config Panel/Security and Confidentiality to confirm to Gatekeeper that all is safe here.

The macOS Security Panel to Authorize digiKam PKG Installation

When installer is running, follow instructions from the assistant to install application on your computer.

The digiKam macOS PKG is Started and Ready to Install

Application Rights

When the installation is done, digiKam will need to access on system resources to run properly. This will be asked by the system when digiKam run, depending of actions performed by user. See below some examples of rights set in the macOS Security and Privacy policy configuration panel:

  • Automation: This right is set when you try to open an album in Apple Finder file manager through digiKam.

The macOS Security and Privacy Panel with the Automation Rights

  • Accessibility: If you want to change the desktop wallpaper with digiKam, this right must be turned on.

The macOS Security and Privacy Panel with the Accessibility Rights

  • Files And Folders: if you place your collections on your computer outside the Photos directory from your personal account, digiKam needs special right to access to contents.

The macOS Security and Privacy Panel with the Files and Folders Access Rights

  • Full Disk: This right is mandatory if you use gPhoto2 driver to access on system places to communicate with the device.

The macOS Security and Privacy Panel with the Full Disk Access Rights

  • Photos: if you want to share Apple Photos collection from your personal account, you will needs to turn on these rights.

The macOS Security and Privacy Panel with the Photos Access Rights


At first start, if you point your collection on the standard Apple Photo library, MacOS will ask you automatically to grant access on this content.

The macOS dialog to grant access to Apple Photo library

Configuration Files

digiKam's application-wide persistent settings are stored in the following locations, depending on your platform.








General settings of the application. Delete this and restart digiKam to reset the application to factory settings




System settings of the application. Delete this and restart digiKam to reset the application to factory settings




cache location storing temporary files



~/Library/Application Support/digikam

contains downloaded: deep-learning models, internal configuration files



~/Library/Application Support/digikam/kxmlgui5/digikam/digikamui5.rc

contains UI configuration, if your UI is broken, delete this file

As digiKam, the Showfoto stand Alone Image Editor has also persistent settings stored at similar places:








General settings of the application. Delete this and restart Showfoto to reset the application to factory settings




System settings of the application. Delete this and restart Showfoto to reset the application to factory settings




cache location storing temporary files



~/Library/Application Support/showfoto

contains downloaded: deep-learning models, internal configuration files

~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/showfoto/showfoto ui5.rc


~/Library/Application Support/showfoto/kxmlgui5/showfoto/showfotoui5.rc

contains UI configuration, if your UI is broken, delete this file


The character '~' indicates the home directory of the current user from the system.

Application Updates


If you process a major version update, as for example from version 7 to version 8, we recommend to backup your database files, as generally internal schema can changes. Typically, digiKam is able to migrate tables from an older version to a new one, and all is done automatically at startup, but in all cases, it's always better to save these important digiKam files before to upgrade the application. Look also the Database Backup section from this manual for more recommendations.

If you use a bundle as official Linux AppImage, macOS package, or Windows installer, the application can be updated using the Help ‣ Check For New Version menu entry. Look also the updates settings in Behavior page from the configuration dialog.

The Dialog to Update Application Using Online Weekly Builds