.. meta:: :description: Overview to digiKam Light Table :keywords: digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, learn, easy, light table, synchronize, by-pair, compare, preview, canvas .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - digiKam Team :license: see Credits and License page for details (https://docs.digikam.org/en/credits_license.html) .. _lighttable_overview: :ref:`Overview ` ============================= .. figure:: images/light_table_main_view.webp :alt: :align: center Comparing Two RAW Files Side by Side in the Light Table digiKam's Light Table feature works in a separate window to easily compare images. It works with all supported image formats including RAW files. .. figure:: images/light_table_context_menu.webp :alt: :align: center The Main Icon-View Context Menu Used to Add Items to the Light Table To use the Light Table you must first select a set of images to examine with Light Table. Select one or several images in any view from the main window, then select :menuselection:`Item --> Place onto Light Table` :kbd:`CTRL+L` to place the selected images on the Light Table and open the Light Table window. Selecting :menuselection:`Item --> Add to Light Table` :kbd:`CTRL+SHIFT+L` will add the selected images to the images that are already on the Light Table. You can also select **Add to Light Table** from the context menu for the selected images. You can quickly access the Light Table from the digiKam main window using :menuselection:`Tools --> Light Table` :kbd:`SHIFT+L` or by clicking the **Light Table** button in the Main Toolbar. .. figure:: videos/light_table_item_selection.webp :width: 600px :alt: :align: center Screencast of the digiKam Light Table Item Selection from the Thumbbar