.. meta:: :description: digiKam Maintenance Tool to Sort Image by Quality :keywords: digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, learn, easy, quality, pick-label, deep-learning .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - digiKam Team :license: see Credits and License page for details (https://docs.digikam.org/en/credits_license.html) .. _maintenance_quality: Image Quality Sorter ==================== .. contents:: .. figure:: images/maintenance_quality_sorter.webp :alt: :align: center The digiKam Maintenance Options for Image Quality Sorter The tool will parse the items to determine the **Quality** and sort them with the **Pick Label** properties in database as: - The **Red** flag for **Rejected**. - The **Yellow** flag for **Pending**. - The **Green** flag for **Accepted**. The Image Quality Sorter assigns Pick Labels to items according to the default settings in :menuselection:`Settings --> Configure digiKam...` and the **Image Quality Sorter** settings panel, or a dedicated settings tuned in this view. The quality **score** to determine the **Pick Label** property can be evaluated by two ways: using four basic factors sabotaging the images (**Blur**, **Noise**, **Exposure**, and **Compression**), or using a **deep learning neural network engine**. The first one helps to determine whether images are distorted by the basic factors, however it demands some drawbacks as fine-tuning from the user’s side and it cannot work along the aesthetic image processing. The second one uses an artificial intelligence approach based on `this model `_ to predict the score. As deep-learning is an end-to-end solution, it doesn’t require hyper-parameter settings, and make this feature easier to use. .. note:: Since it is a time consuming process it's a good idea to check Work on all processor cores and restrict the job to certain albums or tags. All the **Image Quality Sorter** settings is described in :ref:`the dedicated section ` from **Setup Application** section. The **Scan Mode** settings allows to configure how the database information for the items from the selected collection will be processed. **Clean all and re-scan** reset all data and scan items from scratch, **Scan non-assigned only** will be faster to process non registered items with **Pick Labels**. While the image quality sorting process is under progress, notification on the bottom right of main windows will be visible to indicate the amount of items already done. .. figure:: images/maintenance_quality_process.webp :alt: :align: center The digiKam Image Quality Sorter Process Running in the Background The quality sorting results will appears in :ref:`the Labels view ` from the right sidebar. .. figure:: images/maintenance_pick_labels.webp :alt: :align: center The digiKam Pick Labels from Left Sidebar .. important:: To run properly, the process needs the deep-learning model to download at the first run of digiKam. See :ref:`the Quick Start section ` for details.