.. meta:: :description: Using digiKam Basic Slide Tool :keywords: digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, learn, easy, slide .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - digiKam Team :license: see Credits and License page for details (https://docs.digikam.org/en/credits_license.html) .. _slide_tool: :ref:`Basic Slide Show ` ========================================= .. |pause| image:: images/slideshow_icon_pause.webp :height: 20px .. |play| image:: images/slideshow_icon_play.webp :height: 20px .. |previous| image:: images/slideshow_icon_previous.webp :height: 20px .. |next| image:: images/slideshow_icon_next.webp :height: 20px .. |exit| image:: images/slideshow_icon_exit.webp :height: 20px .. |time| image:: images/slideshow_icon_time.webp :height: 20px .. |trash| image:: images/slideshow_icon_trash.webp :height: 20px .. |settings| image:: images/slideshow_icon_settings.webp :height: 20px This tool renders a series of items as a basic slide-show. To run this tool you can use the menu entry :menuselection:`View --> Slideshow` sub-menus, click on **Slideshow** in the toolbar, or simply press the **Show FullScreen** button on top of any Icon-View item. .. figure:: images/slide_button.webp :alt: :align: center The Icon-View Item Show FullScreen Overlay Button .. note:: The **Show FullScreen** button will be visible only if you turn on the right option from :menuselection:`Settings --> Configure digiKam... --> Views page --> Icons tab`. The basic slideshow tool will render items in the full screen without visual effects and without zooming. It is a powerful to quickly review album items. This tool can play album contents in a recursive mode that includes any nested child albums. .. figure:: images/slide_view.webp :alt: :align: center The Basic Slide-Show View Displaying Item and Properties Lots of item properties can be displayed as overlay while displaying contents. The ones below are shown on the bottom left side as an **OSD (On Screen Display)**. .. figure:: images/slide_osd.webp :alt: :align: center The Basic Slide-Show Provides an OSD to Show Details and Control the Contents The on-screen controls for the slideshow are: - |pause| |play| Pause / Play - |previous| |next| Previous / Next item - |exit| Exit slideshow - |time| Set time between images - |trash| Delete the current slide (asks for confirmation) - |settings| Adjust slideshow settings Clicking the |settings| button brings up the slide show configuration dialog. .. figure:: images/slide_config.webp :alt: :align: center The Basic Slide-Show Configuration Dialog The basic slide show configuration should be easy to understand. The upper slider adjusts the time between image transitions; usually a time of 4-5 seconds is good. The other check boxes enable/disable the metadata to be shown on the bottom of the slide show images during display. .. note:: The **Shuffle Images** mode is only available in automatic playback, i.e. when you start the slide show via the menu or toolbar button. It does not work in **Preview** mode when you start from the **Play** button icon in the thumbnail or image preview. The keyboard and mouse can be used to quickly navigate between items in the slideshow: - Item Access Previous Item: :kbd:`Up` key :kbd:`PgUp` key :kbd:`Left` key Mouse wheel up Left mouse button Next Item: :kbd:`Down` key :kbd:`PgDown` key :kbd:`Right` key Mouse wheel down Right mouse button Pause/Start: :kbd:`Space` key Slideshow Settings: :kbd:`Alt+P` key Hide/Show Properties: :kbd:`Alt+Y` key Quit: :kbd:`Esc` key - Item Properties Change Tags: Use Tags keyboard shortcuts Change Rating: Use Rating keyboard shortcuts Change Color Label: Use Color label keyboard shortcuts Change Pick Label: Use Pick label keyboard shortcuts - Others Show help dialog: :kbd:`F1` key