.. meta:: :description: digiKam Image Editor Menu Descriptions :keywords: digiKam, documentation, user manual, photo management, open source, free, learn, easy, menu, image editor .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - digiKam Team :license: see Credits and License page for details (https://docs.digikam.org/en/credits_license.html) .. _menu_imageeditor: :ref:`Image Editor Menu ` ============================================ .. contents:: .. figure:: images/menu_image_editor.webp :alt: :align: center The digiKam Image Editor Menu .. tip:: .. |icon_hamburger| image:: images/menu_icon_hamburger.webp When switching into **Full-Screen Mode** :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+F`, or when you **Hide Menubar** :kbd:`Ctrl+M`, the main menu will be available on the right side of toolbar with the **Hamburger Button** |icon_hamburger|. .. _menu_editorfile: The File Menu ------------- :menuselection:`File --> Back` :kbd:`PgUp` Display the previous image of the current Album. :menuselection:`File --> Forward` :kbd:`PgDn` Display the next image of the current Album. :menuselection:`File --> First` :kbd:`Ctrl+Home` Display the first image of current Album. :menuselection:`File --> Last` :kbd:`Ctrl+End` Display the last image of current Album. :menuselection:`File --> Save` :kbd:`Ctrl+S` Save the current image if it has been modified. :menuselection:`File --> Save As...` Save the current image to a new file. :menuselection:`File --> Revert` Restore the current image from the original file if it has been modified. :menuselection:`File --> Move to trash` :kbd:`Del` Move the current image from the current Album into the trash (recoverable delete). .. note:: To **Delete permanently** a file, use :kbd:`Shift+Del` :menuselection:`File --> Print Image...` :kbd:`Ctrl+P` Print the current image. :menuselection:`File --> Quit` :kbd:`Ctrl+Q` Quit digiKam Image Editor. .. _menu_editoredit: The Edit Menu ------------- :menuselection:`Edit --> Copy` :kbd:`Ctrl+C` Copy the current image selection to the clipboard. :menuselection:`Edit --> Undo` :kbd:`Ctrl+Z` Cancel the last action applied to the current image using history. :menuselection:`Edit --> Redo` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Z` Redo the last action applied to the current image using history. :menuselection:`Edit --> Select All` :kbd:`Ctrl+A` Select the entire image from the canvas. :menuselection:`Edit --> Select None` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+A` Cancel selection of image data from the canvas. .. _menu_editorcolor: The Color Menu -------------- :menuselection:`Color --> Auto-Correction` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+B` :ref:`Automatic color/exposure correction ` of the current image by histogram manipulation. :menuselection:`Color --> White Balance` Image Editor tool to adjust :ref:`white color balance ` on the current image. :menuselection:`Color --> Brightness/Contrast/Gamma` Exposure correction of the current image by :ref:`Brightness, Contrast, or Gamma adjustments `. :menuselection:`Color --> Hue/Saturation/Lightness` :kbd:`Ctrl+U` Color correction of the current image by :ref:`Hue, Saturation, or Lightness adjustments `. :menuselection:`Color --> Color Balance` :kbd:`Ctrl+B` Color correction of the current image by :ref:`Red, Green, or Blue adjustments `. :menuselection:`Color --> Curves Adjust` Image Editor tool to :ref:`adjust curves ` manually on the current image. :menuselection:`Color --> Levels Adjust` Image Editor tool to :ref:`adjust levels ` manually on the current image. :menuselection:`Color --> Channel Mixer` Image Editor tool to :ref:`mix color channels ` on the current image. :menuselection:`Color --> Invert` :kbd:`Ctrl+I` :ref:`Invert ` image colors. :menuselection:`Color --> Black & White` Open the :ref:`Black and White ` filter dialog for the current image. :menuselection:`Color --> Color Management` Invokes the interactive :ref:`Color Management ` editor. :menuselection:`Color --> Depth` :ref:`Switch between 8 bit and 16 bit ` format on color channels. .. _menu_editorenhance: The Enhance Menu ---------------- :menuselection:`Enhance --> Sharpen` :ref:`Image sharpening ` improvements tool. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Blur` :ref:`Image softening ` operation by blurring. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Red Eye Reduction` :ref:`Red Eye correction ` tool using the current selection. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Lens Auto-Corrections` Image Editor tool to correct :ref:`lens distortion automatically ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Noise Reduction` Image Editor tool to :ref:`reduce the noise ` with a Wavelets filter. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Restoration` Image Editor tool to :ref:`reduce artifacts ` on the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Local Contrast` Image Editor tool to apply a :ref:`Tone-Mapping filter ` on the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Hot Pixels Correction` Image Editor tool to :ref:`remove hot pixels ` on the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Anti Vignetting` Image Editor tool to :ref:`correct vignetting ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Distortion` Image Editor tool to correct :ref:`lens distortion manually ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> Healing Clone` Image Editor tool to :ref:`fix artifacts by cloning region ` in the current image. :menuselection:`Enhance --> G'MIC-Qt` Image Editor tool to :ref:`select and apply a filter from the powerful G'MIC-Qt tool ` on the current image. .. _menu_editortransform: The Transform Menu ------------------ :menuselection:`Transform --> Rotate --> -90 degrees` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Left` :ref:`Left rotation ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Transform --> Rotate --> 90 degrees` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+Right` :ref:`90 degrees rotation ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Transform --> Free Rotation` Image Editor tool to :ref:`rotate ` the current image by any angle in degrees. :menuselection:`Transform --> Flip --> Horizontally` :kbd:`Ctrl+*` :ref:`Horizontal flip ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Transform --> Flip --> Vertically` :kbd:`Ctrl+/` :ref:`Vertical flip ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Transform --> Crop` :kbd:`Ctrl+X` :ref:`Crop ` image to the current selection. :menuselection:`Transform --> Resize` :ref:`Resize ` (reduce or blow-up) the current image to the appropriate factor or dimensions. :menuselection:`Transform --> Aspect Ratio Crop` Crop the current image using an :ref:`constrained aspect ratio `. :menuselection:`Transform --> Shear` Image Editor tool to :ref:`Shear ` the current image horizontally or vertically. :menuselection:`Transform --> Perspective Adjustment` Image Editor tool to adjust :ref:`Perspective ` of the current image. :menuselection:`Transform --> Liquid Rescale` Image Editor tool to adjust :ref:`resizing pictures non uniformly while preserving their features ` of the current image. .. _menu_editordecorate: The Decorate Menu ----------------- :menuselection:`Decorate --> Apply Texture` Image Editor tool to :ref:`apply decorative texture ` over the current image. :menuselection:`Decorate --> Add Border` Image Editor tool to :ref:`add a decorative border ` around the current image. :menuselection:`Decorate --> Insert Text` Image Editor tool to :ref:`insert text ` over the current image. .. _menu_editoreffects: The Effects Menu ---------------- :menuselection:`Effects --> Color Effects` Image Editor :ref:`color effects ` tool. :menuselection:`Effects --> Add Film Grain` Image Editor filter for to :ref:`adding Film Grain `. :menuselection:`Effects --> Oil paint` Image Editor filter to :ref:`simulate Oil Painting `. :menuselection:`Effects --> Charcoal Drawing` Image Editor filter to :ref:`simulate Charcoal Drawing `. :menuselection:`Effects --> Emboss` Image Editor :ref:`Emboss filter `. :menuselection:`Effects --> Distortion Effects` Image Editor filter set with :ref:`distortion special effects `. :menuselection:`Effects --> Blur Effects` Image Editor filter set with :ref:`blurring special effects ` on. :menuselection:`Effects --> Raindrops` Image Editor filter to :ref:`add Rain Drops `. .. _menu_editorview: The Tools Menu -------------- See description from :ref:`Main Window ` section about Generic plugins. The Import Menu --------------- See description from :ref:`Main Window ` section about Import plugins. The Export Menu --------------- See description from :ref:`Main Window ` section about Export plugins. The View Menu ------------- :menuselection:`View --> Zoom In` :kbd:`Ctrl++` Increase the zoom factor on the current image. :menuselection:`View --> Zoom Out` :kbd:`Ctrl+-` Decrease the zoom factor on the current image. :menuselection:`View --> Fit to Window` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+A` Toggle between fit-to-window zoom or 100% image zoom size. :menuselection:`View --> Fit to Selection` :kbd:`Ctrl+Shift+S` Make the selection fit the window. **Slideshow** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window `. **Presentation** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window `. **OpenGL Image Viewer** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window `. **Full Screen Mode** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window `. **Color Managed View** option is the same entry available in :ref:`Main Window `. The Settings Menu ----------------- See description from :ref:`Main Window ` section. The Help Menu ------------- See description from :ref:`Main Window ` section.